The landing net is not just for decoration
The landing net is already a mandatory part of fishing equipment for some fishermen, despite the fact that certain fishing regulations may not require it. For some fishermen, it might still be a burden and bothers them when fishing, despite some proven positive properties it brings. Let’s see what they are.
A landing net is a piece of fishing equipment about which opinions are divided among fishermen, at least where it is not commanded. If it is not listed as mandatory equipment, should you use it or not?
What is a landing net anyways?
We know different types of nets. We separate them according to the size and shape of the ring, some are fixed with a round ring, others can be folded – these usually have a triangular ring. The handle can be fixed or foldable (often telescopic). Also, the nets differ depending on the material the mesh is made of. The most common are nets made of fabric or nylon, lately rubber nets are popular. These are also the most suitable for fish, as they do not damage tissues and mucus when used properly. The least suitable are probably nylon nets with thick knots, which can penetrate the fish into the tissue and cause it unnecessary damage.
The use of a landing net is even more expedient from the point of view of the fish or the protection of its health. If the net is suitable, we will protect the fish by catching it from unnecessary wandering on sand, rocks and other obstacles. This way we preserve its mucus, which is the first protection against external harmful influences.
It is also worth considering the duration of fish fatigue. With a net, we can catch a lot of trout relatively quickly, while we are not entirely sure about landing the fish with our bare hands and fingers. By using a net, there is less tension on the fish, less lactic acid and other substances are released in its muscles as a result of fatigue. Fish in better shape have a better chance of survival when fishing.
What is your opinion on the topic? Let us know in the comment below.