Which rod to choose for Huchen fishing?
The most suitable length of the Huchen rod is for our situation from 2.7 to 3 m. Its weight is not as important as is the feeling when we hold it in our hands. When we test it, it is obligatory to place it on the reel with the line and the monofil so that we have a complete sense of the gear that we will use. The tip of the huchen rod should be hard, but not too hard. One of the main characteristics of a good huchen rod is its ability to absorb shock. Therefore, the rod should not be “a stick”, as we say, but rather softer and lighter. We will gladly use this “stick” only as a spare rod or at extremely high water levels.
We need to be able to cover a lot of “fishing zones” with a good rod: fishing on the bottom, surface fishing, mid-water fishing and so on. Before purchasing a rod, we make sure that we properly feel all these lures in the wrist. Only a handful of retailers will allow us to test the rod before purchasing, so before buying, we always make sure that we can see the rod and test it. We can also call acquaintances and friends who already have a similar rod. Nothing is worse than paying more for a sounding name, for which we get poor quality or functionally completely inappropriate rod for our needs.